Oxford BRC Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement team

The Oxford BRC supports members of the public from all backgrounds and communities to get involved in the Oxford BRC’s research projects and supports researchers to involve members of the public in their projects.
The PPIE team at the Oxford BRC works to embed the patient, public, carer voice across the BRC’s health research projects and ensure that the impact of involvement is researched.
The team supports the 15 BRC Research Themes to involve patients and members of the public in research.
Rachel Taylor is the Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation Lead.
Angeli Vaid is the PPI Training Manger.
Dr Joanna Crocker, the PPI Senior Researcher.
Contact us: GetInvolvedOBRC@ouh.nhs.uk
PPIE Leads
As well as the Oxford BRC PPIE Team, PPI leads from other NIHR organisations work collaboratively with the PPI leads from departments in the University’s Medical Sciences Division. They can provide one-to-one support with incorporating PPI into your research, help you to recruit patients and members of the public, and signpost to other resources, so please do contact them directly.
See list of PPIE leads on the OUH Medical Sciences Division website.
See also PPIE Groups.