I am the Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation Lead of the Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) team at the Oxford BRC, working alongside Angeli Vaid the Training Manger and Dr Joanna Crocker, the PPI Senior Researcher. We support members of the public from all backgrounds and communities to get involved in health research and support researchers to involve members of the public in their projects.
Following work in the charity sector (Amnesty International, NSPCC) and as a Research Fellow at Warwick, I’ve worked in PPIE in a range of settings, including local government, where I ran public consultations on often tricky issues. I also managed the Patient Experience Team at OUH, which involved hearing the views of hospital patients and making improvements as a result of their feedback. The PPIE team works to embed the patient, public and carer voice across the BRC’s health research projects and the impact of involvement is researched. We know that PPIE takes time and practice, so we work closely with the researchers and PPIE leads across the BRC and the University’s Medical Sciences Division to facilitate and make it an everyday part of every project – and, importantly, show the difference it makes.
Email: rachel.taylor@ouh.nhs.uk