We are undertaking a public consultation on the draft Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Strategy (2022-2027). The consultation runs until 12th September 2021.
In order to hear views from a diverse range of people, we would be very grateful if you would:
- Participate in the consultation by reading the two documents below and completing the survey by 12th September.
- Information sheet (downloadable pdf)
- Oxford BRC Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy draft (downloadable pdf)
- Oxford BRC PPIE Strategy survey (external link)
- Pass on the information to people who may be interested in participating in this consultation. e.g PPIE contributors working on projects, PPIE group members, community and patient groups, colleagues.
Many thanks for your support and please get in touch with any questions:
Rachel Taylor, Public and Community Involvement, Engagement and Participation Lead, Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
Polly Kerr, Patient and Public Involvement Manager, Oxford Biomedical Research Centre