Online joint virtual public talk: How will using blood tests to detect cancer change the NHS?


There is growing interest in the possibility of using blood-tests to detect cancer . If and when such tests become available, they could transform how we diagnose and look after people with cancer . This offers exciting possibilities, but also many potential pitfalls.  Blood tests could be used to screen apparently healthy people for cancer... READ MORE

CNMHSCR Seminars 2022-23: Research Update Day


The Centre for Nursing, Midwifery, Health and Social Care is one of three OxINMAHR Research Centres. The Centre hosts seminars with speakers presenting on a range of topics related to research in nursing, midwifery, health and social care. Speakers include a mix of external and internal speakers as well as PhD students, early career and... READ MORE

NHIR Research Design Service Research Ideas Launchpad


Got a research idea and not sure how to turn it into a funding application? Talk to our Research Design Service (RDS). The RDS provides support to health and social care researchers across England on all aspects of developing and writing a funding application, including research design, research methods, identifying funding sources and involving patients and... READ MORE

Involving patients and the public in research


Are you a researcher who wants to know more about patient and public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for  support and information? If so, NIHR... READ MORE

NIHR Academy Members’ Conference


The title for this year's conference is “The road less travelled: celebrating non-linear career pathways” and will feature inspiring speakers, panel discussions and skills sessions on research career pathways and non-linear routes. There will also be optional networking sessions, wellness activities and our annual poster competition. Key sessions will be streamed online for those attending... READ MORE

AIMday – Infection and Sepsis at the ‘Front Door’

St Anne's College 56 Woodstock Road, Oxford

The University of Oxford will be hosting an Academic Industry Meeting day  (AIMday) on Infection and Sepsis on Tuesday 22nd November 2022 at St Anne’s College. This event will bring together academics, clinicians, scientists, patients and industrial partners to help identify and address some of the most pressing challenges in acute healthcare, as identified by... READ MORE

CNMHSCR Seminars 2022-23: Featuring: Prof. Ruth Endacott


The Centre for Nursing, Midwifery, Health and Social Care is one of three OxINMAHR Research Centres. The Centre hosts seminars with speakers presenting on a range of topics related to research in nursing, midwifery, health and social care. Speakers include a mix of external and internal speakers as well as PhD students, early career and... READ MORE

EQUATOR Lightning Workshops


Join the UK EQUATOR Centre's monthly one-hour practical workshops on all aspects of writing and publishing your academic research! Workshops are held 12:30-13:30, unless otherwise indicated, on Zoom. “Editing your own words” with Jen de Beyer. Good academic writing is simple, clear, and complete. You'll practice balancing these three elements in group editing exercises. This free... READ MORE

Introduction to Good Clinical Research Practice 

If you are planning to run a ‘non-CTIMP’ research study this introductory course is for you. Not all research is subject to clinical trials regulations, but the same standards of conduct apply. This three-hour online course consists of trainer-led presentations, short video-talks from those experienced in the conduct of clinical research, and interactive exercises. The... READ MORE

Statistics: Designing clinical research and biostatistics

Isis Room, IT Services 13 Banbury Road, Oxford

This course is designed for anyone who requires a basic understanding of clinical research and data analysis. It will enable non-statisticians to interpret medical research and undertake their own research studies. The aim of this course is to develop core statistical skills for interpreting clinical and epidemiological data. It will provide knowledge of statistical methods... READ MORE