A returning Carer’s Fund has been established as part of the Vice-Chancellor’s Diversity Fund for the advancement of diversity among academic and research staff at Oxford. Applications are invited from women and men for funding of up to £5 k to support the development of their research career following a break to care for a child or a close relative. In exceptional circumstances, larger amounts may be awarded, up to an absolute maximun of £10k.
Support could include, but is not limited to:teaching buy-out, training or professional development, short-term secondments, conference attendance, short-term resaerch or administrative assistnace, funding visits ot Oxford by your research collaborator(s).
There will be two closing dates for applications: September 15 2014 and Februrary 28 2015. Please contact Jennifer Anderson jennifer.anderson@medisci.ox.ac.uk or athena-swan@medisci.ox.ac.uk or see http;//intranet.medsci.ox.a.uk/returning-carers-fund
This fund was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.