A Hamamatsu high throughput digital slide scanner along with a sophisticated image analysis package from iPath is now available to researchers.
The Hamamatsu NanoZoomer 2.0-HT slide scanner enables researchers to digitise their glass slides allowing the images to be interpreted on a screen with image manipulation capabilities similar to that of a standard microscope.
The PathXL™ Visiopharm image analysis software provides an objective, accurate, reproducible analysis of the details of the material on the slide. The image analysis functionality encompasses several modalities of biomarker assay and allows for quantification of immunohistochemistry.
Togeather, this capability facilitates high throughput, rapid processing, interpretation and scoring of research on human tissues (cancers and non-cancers) removing this bottleneck in the research pipeline.
Access to the scanner and the image analysis is available through the Oxford Centre for Histopathology Research (OCHRe).