Residents are being invited to a free performance of a play about the ethical, political and social issues around decision-making in health research.
“People Are Messy” will be held at Tingewick Hall, Academic Block, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford on Wednesday February 10 at 2.30pm. Doors will open at 2pm.
The 60-minute play is a comedy drama which explores the complexities of patient and public involvement through the eyes of two teenagers with very different ways of confronting a future made uncertain by a serious medical condition.
Democracy, transparency, autonomy, personal responsibility, loss are issues explored in this engaging, entertaining and accessible production, which will be followed by a 30 to 40 minute debate.
It poses questions such as “Why should the public have a say in what research gets funded and how?” “Surely doctors and researchers know best?” “Would you want to have a say in research tackling your own illness?” and “What impact does involving ‘lay’ people have on questions being asked and money being spent?”
The production has been developed in collaboration with the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), a partnership between Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Oxford to fund medical research and The Wellcome Trust.
The play is also set to tour Oxfordshire secondary schools in February.
Simon Denegri, NIHR National Director for Patients and the Public, said: “This fabulous, entertaining and moving play goes to the heart of why involving patients and the public is so important to science and to society. It will appeal to audiences of all ages and will bring the issues to a whole new audience nationwide. I am very excited about its potential impact.”
For tickets click here, email or call 01865 743341.