Funding Your Postdoctoral Research: Clinical Academic Opportunities


Registration is open for this OUCAGS-NMAHPPS (Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School–Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals, Healthcare Scientists, Pharmacy Staff and Psychologists) research event, comprising an NIHR presentation about funding schemes for postdoctoral clinical academics (including doctors, nurses, midwives and AHPs), networking sessions and careers surgeries. This event is aimed at clinicians undertaking a doctorate;... READ MORE

How to involve men in service design, delivery, and research


Ensuring that health services, research and education meet the needs of people from all walks of life is vital. To achieve this, patients, their families and carers, alongside health and care staff, all need to work together. This webinar is the second of our two-part series focusing on men’s health. It will explore how health... READ MORE

Q&A for Prospective AHP NIHR Fellowship Applicants


Attendees will be sent pre-recorded talks from national experts before the event. They will then be able to ask questions and gain valuable insights that will help with their NIHR fellowship applications. Our panel all have substantial expertise in securing NIHR awards and supporting AHPs through the application process. For more information on this webinar,... READ MORE

CNMHSCR Seminars 2022-23: Featuring: Karen Lascelles


The Centre for Nursing, Midwifery, Health and Social Care is one of three OxINMAHR Research Centres. The Centre hosts seminars with speakers presenting on a range of topics related to research in nursing, midwifery, health and social care. Speakers include a mix of external and internal speakers as well as PhD students, early career and senior... READ MORE

CNMHSCR Seminars 2022-23: Featuring: Elaine Strachan-Hall: Robots in Nursing: False Rhetoric or Feared Reality


The Centre for Nursing, Midwifery, Health and Social Care is one of three OxINMAHR Research Centres. The Centre hosts seminars with speakers presenting on a range of topics related to research in nursing, midwifery, health and social care. Speakers include a mix of external and internal speakers as well as PhD students, early career and senior... READ MORE

Research Ideas Launchpad: Get your Research Ideas off the Ground


The Research Design Service South Central would like to discuss your research ideas with you. These sessions are for those who are starting out (or thinking about starting out) in research in an NHS setting. You can book a session lasting 40 minutes to meet with an RDS adviser to have a friendly chat about... READ MORE

Involving patients and the public in research


Are you a researcher who wants to know more about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for  support and information? If so, NIHR... READ MORE

Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation


The course is the starting point for anyone involved in the healthcare sector or in health services who needs to be introduced to the language of economics and economic evaluation. It explains how economists evaluate the costs and benefits of health interventions, and how health economics is used by decision makers in the health services... READ MORE

NDORMS Patient and Public Involvement Open Day

Botnar Institue for Musculoskeletal Sciences Windmill Road, Oxford, United Kingdom

Our first ever open day will offer a great opportunity to hear about how you can become involved in health research in our department. About the event You will be able to listen to researchers' updates on their current research projects, and have a tour of our laboratories to see the science in action. Over... READ MORE

EQUATOR Lightning Workshop: Authorship and Acknowledgement Guidelines


This workshop is with Patricia Logullo. Learn about the rules for authorship, and practise negotiating authorship rights and responsibilities. Open to all staff and students of the University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes, and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. To book a session, please email us ( and we’ll send you the meeting link. For more... READ MORE