Involving patients and the public in research


Are you a researcher who wants to know more about Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)? Are you a researcher who is looking for reliable online resources to help get you started with PPI? Are you a PPI lead or responsible for PPI in your team or theme looking for  support and information? If so, NIHR... READ MORE

Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation


The course is the starting point for anyone involved in the healthcare sector or in health services who needs to be introduced to the language of economics and economic evaluation. It explains how economists evaluate the costs and benefits of health interventions, and how health economics is used by decision makers in the health services... READ MORE

NDORMS Patient and Public Involvement Open Day

Botnar Institue for Musculoskeletal Sciences Windmill Road, Oxford, United Kingdom

Our first ever open day will offer a great opportunity to hear about how you can become involved in health research in our department. About the event You will be able to listen to researchers' updates on their current research projects, and have a tour of our laboratories to see the science in action. Over... READ MORE

EQUATOR Lightning Workshop: Authorship and Acknowledgement Guidelines


This workshop is with Patricia Logullo. Learn about the rules for authorship, and practise negotiating authorship rights and responsibilities. Open to all staff and students of the University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes, and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. To book a session, please email us ( and we’ll send you the meeting link. For more... READ MORE

Oxford Academic paper writing retreat for nurses and AHPs

John Henry Brookes Building, Headington Campus, Oxford Brookes University, OX3 0BP

This three-day academic paper writing retreat is open to all nurse, AHP and healthcare researchers at any career stage, working or studying at Oxford Health Trust, OXINMAHR or Oxford Brookes University, who have a paper to write up for submission to an academic journal and need time and space to focus on this without interruption.... READ MORE

Obtaining Ethical and HRA Approvals


So, you’ve got a great idea for a research study – but what approvals do you need before you can start? Who do you apply to? And how do you go about doing this? Join an online presentation through Microsoft Teams. To book a place contact: For more information, click here.

Open Day: Exploring Healthcare Research

Leiden Square, Oxford Leiden Square, Westgate Centre, Oxford, United Kingdom

Come and join us for our Open Day at the Westgate Centre in Oxford between 10am and 3.30pm on Wednesday 10th May. The event – held jointly with Oxford Health BRC – will allow members of the public to visit interactive stands showcasing some of the amazing research that takes place in Oxford for the... READ MORE

Practical statistics for epidemiology using R

Green Templeton College 43 Woodstock Rd,, Oxford

Practical statistics for epidemiology using R is intended for those who have been exposed to the field of epidemiology. Prior knowledge of epidemiological measures of association such as prevalence, odds, risks, rates and their ratios is required. This is the companion and follow-on course from our Introduction to epidemiology short course. It is aimed at... READ MORE

CNMHSCR Seminars 2022-23: The CoDAQ study: Featuring: Deborah Moll (OH NHS FT, Anna Robinson, Jemima Littlejohns, Zoe Collett:


The Centre for Nursing, Midwifery, Health and Social Care is one of three OxINMAHR Research Centres. The Centre hosts seminars with speakers presenting on a range of topics related to research in nursing, midwifery, health and social care. Speakers include a mix of external and internal speakers as well as PhD students, early career and senior... READ MORE

Integrating Economic Evaluation into Clinical Trials

Health Economics Research Centre (HERC) ONLINE course This course, for those working in clinical trials, will give participants an understanding of what is required to design and conduct an economic evaluation alongside a clinical trial. No previous knowledge of economics is required. For full information on HERC courses, including pricing, please visit: or contact... READ MORE

EQUATOR Lightning Workshop: Perfect your elevator pitch


This online workshop is with Jen de Beyer. Whether standing by your conference poster, at a professional networking event, or in the pub, the question is the same: "So, what is it that you do?" With that crucial 2-minute elevator pitch answer ready, you'll never say "ummmm" again! Open to all staff and students of... READ MORE